Situated  at  Bisley  Camp  in  rural  Surrey  with  easy  access to London’s  Heathrow  Airport  and  the  M3  and  M25  motorways, the  Artists  Rifles  Clubhouse  is  in  an ideal  location  for  social functions,  corporate  events  or a  pleasant  weekend  break.  The clubhouse,  which  overlooks  the  600  yard  Century  shooting range,  is  an  integral  part  of  Bisley  Camp  and  has  much character  and  charm.


As  the recognised  centre  of  international  target  rifle  shooting,  the  camp  is  also  a  Site  of  Special  Scientific Interest  (SoSSI)  and  has  an  abundance  of  wildlife, flora  and  fauna.  The  clubhouse  offers  members  and  guests  a  comfortable  bar and  restaurant  set  in  a  welcoming  colonial  style  environment.  With  facilities  for  outdoor  barbecues,  there  are  6  bedrooms  available  to  guests,  with  ample  space  for  car  parking.

In 2001 the ARC had fallen into disrepair and was closed by the fire brigade for failing to meet fire safety regulations. A number of former regiment members heard of the building's plight and were keen to preserve the building’s heritage An ex-regiment member purchased the ARC in May 2003 with the support of fellow regimental members. The ARC has being restored to its former glory and re-opened to club members on the 12th June.


The armoury is based at the ARC and there is an outbuilding where members can clean their weapons. Rifle and ammunition lockers are also available for members to hire on an annual basis.

Copyright Bisley Events, 2018

Bisley Events, Artists Rifles Clubhouse, Club Row Bisley Shooting Ground, Surrey, GU24 0NY